20 02 26 19 37 52 original 600x600 trauma kit
20 02 26 19 37 52 original 600x600 trauma kit

EMT Trauma Kit

I think we have a first aid kit in every car, camping pack and in the house. However, after looking through them all, they are well suited for simple, basic first aid. A portable trauma kit could make the difference between life and death.

What We Love:

  1. Contains medical gear not found in typical first aid kits
  2. Relatively small footprint considering how much the trauma kit contains
  3. Most of the gear is actually used by EMTs - no gimmicks

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As a former Boy Scout leader and current youth group leader we've seen our fair share of accidents and incidents. A couple of years ago a lady slipped on ice in a parking lot. She smacked her head HARD. 

In all of these cases, having the right gear and training saved the day. For years we've used small first aid kits but a trauma kit has so many items you don't see in your typical kit.


  • Get trained/certified
    • CPR
    • First Aid basics
  • Get your kids involved in programs where first aid training is important
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