The G4Free hiking backpack is a great value. It is a medium, 50L pack great for camping, hiking, climbing gear, etc. The rain fly comes in more handy than I thought.
We've purchased and used multiple of these. We have one for each kid for backpacking. It's a great pack for an overnighter.
The pockets/compartments are ideal for moderate day packing or simple overnighters.
What We Love:
We spend a lot of time outdoors. We've tried dozens of bags and packs over the years. One thing we've learned: many of the highend packs are very overpriced.
The G4Free hiking pack is priced just right for its quality, size, and features.
My son is an Eagle Boy Scout. He got his Eagle before age 13. We spent dozens of nights on the trail. This pack was perfect for his size and equipment needs. We now have two of them. It's hard to pass up such great value.
Specs not available |
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